The Chiller Cabinet, by Ty Power (c) 2023. This is my new 4-part short story . It's the experiences of an early psychologist, is written in the manner of the late 19th and early 20th century classics and is influenced by the work of the ghost stories of M.R. James and the cosmic horror fiction of H.P. Lovecraft.
The Hospital Garden, by Ty Power (c) 2022. This new story evolved from a dream I had. It centres on the psyche of the key character, and explores such conditions as loneliness and isolation - particularly relevant in these recent times of living with Covid-19. However, this tale is set during and after WW2, and involves an experience which echoes through time.
A Novel Way to Die (2nd Murder Scene), by Ty Power (c) 1996/2019. A Novel Way to Die is a serial killer thriller set in Snowdonia, North Wales, and in and around London. It's a police procedural, with help that comes from the most unlikely of sources. The taster presented here is the second murder scene. You can download the eBook from Amazon or directly from my Homepage..
The Dark Portender, by Ty Power (c) 1992. This story is offered as a teaser for my science fiction collection Waves of Perception, which is available as an eBook download from Amazon (see books below for link). But for an internal difference of opinion , the story almost graced the pages of the fantastic Interzone magazine. Judge for yourselves. I think it works well.
Memories of an Ageing Rocker (c) 2015/2018 Ty Power. 'There's a bloke on the roof, howling' - The Crypt, is an excerpt from the aforementioned book of my humorous reminiscences of both local bands/gigs and established acts. There are countless anecdotes, and a section on a three-piece band I was involved in called Silly Phylis. Paperback and download versions are available on Amazon.
The Plot Thickens, by Ty Power (c) 2021. A Brand New, Never Before Seen Humorous Sequence Featuring The Further Adventures of 'Red' Head and Domino. It jumps straight into the action with the end of an adventure and begins a new one. Let me know what you think. Please see my book Survival of the Thickest below for the First Adventures of Red Head, available for download.
The Terror of God's Light, by Ty Power (c) 2020. This is my new and original suspense tale written in the vein of H.P. Lovecraft and the Brothers Grimm. I love the classic writing style from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and possess several leather bound copies. I've enjoyed immensely the writing of this one in the first person. I hope you enjoy reading it.
The Needs of the One, by Ty Power (c) 2018. Disclaimer: I wrote this in 2018, before the onset of COVID-19. Originally withheld, several individuals have expressed an interest to read this fictional tale. There are no vivid scenes of horror, but please don't read it if you feel it may cause distress. A teaser story for my collection A Cry From the Inside. Available below for download.
Cavern, by Ty Power (c) 1994. This story was written in 1994 and first appeared in Peeping Tom literary magazine the following year. I have presented it here as an appetiser for my horror and supernatural short story collection Unlucky For Some (see the Purchase Books category & the Covers Photo Gallery on the Homepage).
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18th February 2021: A Cry From the Inside
17th February 2020: A Novel Way to Die.
16th December 2018 - Memories of an Ageing Rocker: New & Updated (Paperback).
11th December 2018 - Memories of an Ageing Rocker: New & Updated (eBook).
5th June 2018 - Psychotica.
22nd July 2017 - New Graveyard Horror Reviews.
13th January 2017 - Unlucky For Some.
17th September 2016 - More Graveyard Horror Reviews.
9th April 2016 - Waves of Perception.
1st January 2016 - Graveyard Horror Reviews.
29th August 2015 - Memories of an Ageing Rocker.
10th May 2013 - Survival of the Thickest.
In particular, any constructive feedback on my books, stories, reviews, features and this site are very welcome.
All emails here will go to typower15@gmail.com
I hope you enjoy this journey into my imagination, truly...